Sunday 19 December 2010

Production Company Logo

Our whole group felt that we need a company logo. We think this will make us look more professional and we want to put it into our Title Opening Sequence. Firstly we have to come up with a group name which we can be called. As myself (Sam) and Moe will be busy editing our final piece, it has been left up to Taylor and Farah to come with it. They have decided to keep our group name simple, which we have stated we want to do the whole way through our project. Our group is now called SMFT, which stands for, Sam Moe Farah Taylor. Myself and Moe are both really happy with this name, as so is Taylor and Farah.

Now we have got a group name it was time to get a group logo. This was Farah's task as she has got some experience with making logos.

The picture below was Farah's first attempt at making our logo. She felt it wasn't eye catching enough.

This next picture below is Farah's second attempt at our logo. She felt it was an improvement from her first try but it still isn't quite right. So now Farah is going to try to put in some colour to it. Also her inspiration for this is Film Four.

The next picture is our Final Group Logo. As you can see farah has added some colour to it and we all think it is a great logo for us.

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