Friday 31 December 2010

Evaluation- Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The media plays a crucial part of our society today, they make up the stereotypes of different social groups. This is something that our group haven't really thought about, all that we was trying to aim for was the stereotype of a 16 year old girl. But now having taken these social groups into consideration, you can actually see that our product does represent a few different social groups.

The first social group that we represent are 16 year old girls. No matter what type of person you are, if you are a girl you will be able to relate to our character one way or another.

Secondly, I think the next social group we represent are young Caribbean girls. Our character Samantha Evans is a traditional Caribbean girl and I think other Caribbean girls could look up to her.

Finally, the last social group I think we represent are the lower class people. As you can see Samantha comes from a poor background and I think people from a poorer background, both male and female will be able to relate to her.

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