Thursday 9 December 2010


In class Myself (Sam) and Farah decided that we needed to come up with a name for our title opening sequence. We both came up with some possible but we felt that none of them was good enough and did not connect with our piece. We was really struggling at this point and it felt like we was back to square one. All of a sudden Taylor jumped into our conversation and said he has already done some research on a name for our title opening sequence. Taylor said call it GRIMALDI. Me, Farah and Moe all looked at each other and thought the hell are you going on about. Then Taylor explained the whole idea, he said Grimaldi is the surname of the 'godfather' of clowns.

Joseph Grimaldi (18th December 1778- 31st May 1837), is the most celebrated of all English Clowns and is credited with being 'the first white faced clown'. Grimaldi is considered the 'Godfather' of modern clowning, this is due to him replacing Harlequin to the white faced clown.

We all feel that Joseph Grimaldi can be very relevant to our title opening sequence and our film as a whole. We feel that there is no better way of making a clown based film than having the master of clowns involved in it. The name itself has a lot of history behind it along with sounding quite ominous. Grimaldi was the ultimate clown and we would nothing more than to pay respect to him. The name is quite different and interesting, we feel the audience will see the name of the film and then want to go and watch as they will be intrigued by it. Therefore we are very thankful for Taylor's research and shall be calling our project 'GRIMALDI'.  

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