Wednesday 15 December 2010

Poster Development

All of us as a group thought it would be necessary to make a film poster for our title opening sequence. Myself (Sam), Moe and Farah does not have to knowledge to make one, so Taylor stepped in and said he will do it as he has done one before. All of the following film posters are the different progression stages of the poster which has all been done by Taylor. Although Taylor is the one who has made all of these, every person in the group gave their ideas and had a lot of input in them.

First Development of Film Poster:

This is our first developed film poster. We all felt that there was a lot more to be done, we felt it was too plain and simple. If we want our film poster to be great we will have to add loads more to it, maybe a bit of colour would look good as well.

Second Development of Film Poster:

This is the Second developed film poster which Taylor had done. As you can see Taylor has added the colour red around the title of the film. He has done this because red is the colour of blood and we want it to relate with the bloody reference which we are making in our Title Opening Sequence.

Third Development of Film Poster:

This is our Third developed film poster and as you can see from the last one it has really come on leaps and bounds. Taylor has now put in four evil clown faces rather than just the one. Taylor has done this due to the fact it looks more dramatic and scary. Also each face represents each person in the group as you can see with our names in the corners. Taylor has also made blood drops come down from the Title, we all feel that this makes the poster stand out more and relates even more to our Title Opening Sequence.

Fourth development of Film Poster:

This is the fourth and final developed film poster. We haven't done a great deal to this stage, all that Taylor has done is put the age certificate onto it. This is very important as only people over the age of 15 will be able to view our film. You will be able to see from our first film poster to our last, it has changed very much and I feel our final film poster is perfect. I think our film poster looks very professional and I feel Taylor has done a great job on it.

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