Saturday 18 December 2010

Location & Props


As you can see from a previous post we have researched different locations which we feel we could use to film our Title Opening Sequence. At one of our meetings we all agreed unanimously that we should film it in a house. We thought this would be for the best because our synopsis gives it away that it should be filmed in a house, also we felt that it would be a lot easier to film in a house rather at a shopping centre or woods, where there would be loads of civilians interrupting us. We will now be able to film our Title Opening Sequence without interruption and hesitation. We also felt a house would keep it simple and we feel by keeping it simple we could make out Title Opening Sequence excellent.

Now we have decided to use a house to film in, all we need to do is actually find a house we can use. As our character is a girl, we all said that we need as house with a girls bedroom. This is because the bedroom plays a key part in our piece. Our Title Opening Sequence would look stupid if we used a boy's bedroom. Farah then said we could use her house, she said it would be easy to travel to, it is girly bedroom and it already has a lot of the props we need. So myself (Sam), Taylor and Moe all agreed Farah's house would be the best location for the job in-hand.

Pictures of Farah's House:



We will be using a number of props while filming our Title Opening Sequence. Our main prop will be a toy clown (Grimaldi) as the whole film revolves around it. Also luckily for us this is the only prop which we have to purchase. As we haven't got a budget, the money will be coming out of our own pockets. All our other props will be provided my Farah which is already at her house.

Props we will use:


Alarm Clock

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