Sunday 19 December 2010

Character Profile

The Character's name in our film Grimaldi is Samantha Evans. Samantha is an ordinary 16 year old girl, she has posters of her favourite pop stars on her wall, along with playing with her make-up. Samantha is Caribbean and is from Trinidad and Tobago. She loves playing all sports but her favourite sports are Football and Netball. Along with all her sports she is a very girly girl, Sam keeps up with all the latest fashions and loves having girly gossips with her friends. At the moment Sam is in her first year at college and hopes afterwards to go onto university to study sports science.

                                                 Samantha Evans

Samantha Evans is played by an up and coming actress called Magnolia. Magnolia is a friend of Farah Warda (member of our group) and she was more than willing to help our group out by acting in our Title Opening Sequence. 

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