Sunday 28 November 2010


Our first scene begins in a girl’s handbag from the point of view of her clown key-ring. She gets home and places the clown key ring on her computer. As she is typing the eyes of the clown starts to move from side to side. She notices it then jumps and throws it off the computer and it falls on the floor. She thinks it’s her mind playing tricks on her and goes downstairs to have a little break from her work. She goes back upstairs to continue typing on her computer and sees it sitting on her computer once again. More agitated now she picks it off the computer desk and throws it into the bin. She goes to bed and a new day begins as she wakes up (long shot from the clown’s point of view) (over the shoulder shot of the clown). She raises her head up and is horrified to find the clown there again and begins to scream wildly.

For parts of this title opening sequence it will be filmed from the point of view of the clown.

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