Wednesday 24 November 2010

Clown Based Thriller

As a group we have finally agreed on our final idea which our title opening sequence shall be based on. Our storyline will be a clown based thriller. The group decided to go along with my original idea but they wanted to change it a little bit, which I was more than happy with. Taylor had a good couple of ideas to improve the storyline. He told us about the film IT and how it is similar to our idea. We all agreed to analyze the film's title opening sequence and if we needed inspiration we could use that, but one thing all of us never wanted was to copy it. We wanted our idea and title opening sequence to be fresh and original. Farah then said it would be a good idea if we turned a toy key-ring clown into a life size clown. We all thought that this was a good idea but we just had trouble of how we would create it. Farah then spoke to our teacher Nina about the idea and how we could get this idea to work. Nina said it could be easy to do and she also explained how it could be a really good title opening sequence as it is a really good idea. What we must do is keep it simple rather than complicate things, I learned this from something I read about Hitchcock a little while ago. This made all of us feel happy that we have got a really good idea and now we are all feeling a lot more confident about making this a success. Now we have established an idea we have to write the synopsis to this idea along with drawing up a story board. This is something we shall be discussing in our next meeting. Overall at this present time I am really have with my group as we are all contributing and doing all the work that needs to be done.

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