Monday 22 November 2010

Our first meeting

1/11/2010- This was our first official discussion of our title opening sequence, with all team members there.
Attendants of the meeting: Myself (Sam), Moe, Taylor and Farah.

10:34am: Within this meeting we had to discuss possible ideas we had for this visiual/audio product. As Moe was not in the previous lesson I (Sam) updated him what our previous discussion was. We all gave good ideas of a storyline, which we put into a spider diagram. Overall we came up with three possible ideas. They were:

    1) A clown based thriller. This storyline would be- There are some children trapped in a school and are killed one by one. The murderer is an evil clown but none of the pupils actually know it is the clown killing them. All they can hear is an evil clown laugh. I thought of this idea as I have seen something like this done before and it was a massive success. Also I saw the film IT and took inspiration from it.

    2) A love triangle based thriller. The storyline- This involves three friends who have known each other from a young age and two of them have suddenly developed a more on-depth relationship between them. This ends up with these two presenting their feelings for one another to their final friend. The final friend is not happy at all, it soon becomes clear that this person has secret feelings for one of these characters and will therefore cause a dramatic twist.
    3) A cyber death. The storyline- This involves a young women who through depression, meets a young male on the internet. He then leads her to her down fall.

10:42am: After further discussion we felt that our best idea would be a clown based thriller. We felt our original storyline could be better. Therefore we changed it, (the new storyline can be seen in my mind map), and we thought about having a little toy clown become life size and then plays with people's minds.

10:55am: We made plans that both as individuals and a group we was all on the same page and understood what was happening. We have also all agreed to be as focused and to put in as much work as possible. We all want good grades and therefore know we all have to do what has to be done. I feel our group is very hard working and have no doubts that we are going to make our title opening sequence successful.         


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