What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
From constructing this product I have learnt so much from it all. Before this school year I have never done media before and did not have a clue how to do anything. Slowly but surely I started to get the hang of everything. The different types of technology I used throughout this project was:
Adobe premiere elements 3.0
Before starting media I did not have a clue about adobe premier elements 3.0. I had to learn it all from scratch, now I can use everything to do with it. I even edited our Title Opening sequence. From this I learned how to edit, use transaction, embed music, make the music fasten up and make a DVD.
Microsft Word:
Microsoft word is something that I have been using ever since I started using computers. I did not learn anything from using it but it did help me a lot throughout this project. Mainly it helped me to check my spellings, just in case I had spelt something wrong on the blog I would always write it on word then paste it from there.
I had heard about blogger before I started using it as my friends have done media before, but I had not a clue how to use it myself. Once I started using it, I found it very easy. I learned how to upload blogs, edit posts, embed videos, important pictures and I also know how to change all settings for my blog. For example I have changed the background to my blog.
Windows Hotmail:
Hotmail is something that I have been using for many years. So therefore I have not learned everything new from it but I did use it a number of time. As our group only saw each other twice a week it was so important that we emailed each other. We sent each other files and documents, along with telling people what had and hadn't been done.
Video Camera:
Before I started media I only had a little previous knowledge of how to use a video camera. Throughout this project I have learnt so much about a video camera. I now can fully use a camera, I can zoom in and out, take pictures, upload videos from it to a computer and I also know different shot angles.
I have been using Google ever since I started using a computer. So I did not learn anything about Google while I was doing this project. Google did play a massive part throughout my project. As Google is a search engine, I used every time I needed to find thing. From it I got videos, pictures and information.
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