Monday 20 September 2010

OCR Preliminary Exercise

What Shots??
Can you tell it was a daydream?

There are a number of camera moves used in this exercise. To start off with there is a close up, this is off someone's feet. Then it goes into mid-shot of the man's feet walking through a door. Also there is a mid-shot and a medium close shot of the boy tied to a chair. The next shot is a over the shoulder shot, looking at the boy tied up in the chair from over the shoulder of the man in the hood. Then the final shot is a medium long shot of the two people sharing dialogue. It then ends by the shot being blacked out.

I feel that the music plays a massive part in this exercise. It makes you feel scared and makes you want to get see what happens next. Also I think as it is filmed in black and white, it makes the scene tenser and makes the viewer feel that something is going to happen. Along with all of this the voices of the people have also be changed. This makes them sound scarier and shows the audience that something freaky is happening.

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